Sunday, November 7, 2010

My Home is a Blank Notebook

Yesterday I spent the afternoon and most of the night cleaning and organizing. My home already looked okay, but now two of my three rooms look pristine.

The cleaner and neater my home gets, the more settled and ambitious I feel. I’ll look at the wide-open floor and think, “Hey, there’s enough space to run in place right here. I should run for a while today.” Or I’ll look up at the the bookshelf and a particular spine will light me up. “I should spend the afternoon reading that.” Or I pass by a spotless, totally clear desk, and think “I could sit down and work on the book for a while.”

My home now radiates that same feeling of possibility and promise that comes with any new notebook. I can work here. I can live here. I can do something great here.

And I can invite guests without reservation. Of all the pleasant side effects of an orderly home, the obvious one I didn’t foresee is that it keeps me in touch with society.

I’m unlikely to host any intense dinner parties in the near future, though. While tackling large, longer-term projects, I work best in solitude.

1 comment:

Alivia said...

I love this post-I'm so happy about your space being helpful/inspiring/an opportunity for art to blossom. I am working towards the same!