Monday, November 3, 2008

"Life is a Hard Puzzle, I Know..."

My good pal Dan saw an amazing performer named Baby Gramps on the David Letterman show performing a traditional sea shantey, "Cape Cod Girls." View it here:

The didgeridoo is an Australian Aborigine instrument, of course. There also happens to be one surgically implanted somewhere inside of Baby Gramps.

If you liked that one, have a gander at his rendition here of "Satisfied 'n Tickled Too."

"Life is a hard puzzle, I know. A hard puzzle..."

Certain art, certain acts, certain people help us forget about the world's teeth and claws for a while. Baby Gramps strikes me as an old-time bluesman or medicine show entertainer juxtaposed into the present day. I have never seen another human being entertain a crowd like he does.

There's literature in Gramps's repertoire; I've heard him quote Shakespeare and Friedrich Nietzsche during live performances.

Check him out by visiting his steam-powered website,!

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