Sunday, July 05, 2009, 1917hrs.
Today is the first sunny day I’ve seen for five weeks here, so I’m going to get back into it momentarily. I just ran, so I’m soaked and feeling great. A cell phone alarm was supposed to alert me when I’d run my usual allotment, but apparently I had been squeezing the “Snooze” button between my leg and body because I didn’t notice it ringing until the third time it buzzed. That means I ran fifteen minutes longer than originally planned. Not a bad mistake.
As much as my body loves to run, I have a hard time focusing my mind out there. I don’t have any portable music devices or anything, so there’s really nothing to do while I circle the park. When boredom tempts me to go home early, I distract myself with romantic thoughts instead. That probably sounds funny if you know me personally, but that’s how I refocus. I think: “If you get involved with somebody, Tozier, your body is half hers. Wouldn’t you both want your body to be healthy and mean?” This is also how I talk myself out of skipping workouts. You would laugh if you saw me in my apartment, red-faced and growling obscenities toward the end of each set of reps, with my little playlist of love ballads piping through the stereo in the background.
I’ve still got a full day and a half off from the cafe, so I’ll probably finish writing a few songs during that time. I plan to release this first album as a handmade CD with handmade packaging. Lots of labor involved.
I need to get out in the sun before it goes down. My body’s still humming happily from what I just put it through. After dusk I’ll pound some coffee down, get wired, and get back to work. I’ve spent a combined total of ten hours at the typewriter and the guitar since last night, and tonight is young. I have the new Meat Puppets album, but I'm feeling a little lost because I finished my last taped Borges lecture last night. Maybe I'll just start the whole series over again.
Very soon my daily entries will shift toward describing the still-unnamed CD and its construction. If you're a regular reader, I promise that you will grow rapidly sick of hearing about it.
Gotta get outside now--sun is setting. Take care of yourself! Thanks for reading.
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